DATE: Saturday, March 9th,  2024
TIME: 4.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Dam Roast House & Browder Bookstore

I am thrilled to be returning, once again, to the Boulder City and to hold a book signing at the Dam Roast House & Browder Bookstore.

The signing will coincide with the Boulder City Monthly Wine Walk. The theme this month will be “Lucky Leprechauns”.

 I will  have copies of Discovering the Christmas Spirit on hand for purchase, as well as copies of The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas, the sequel,  Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, my cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, my crime fiction novel, Discreetly Yours, and copies of my latest novel, the light-hearted paranormal, Yours in Spirit.

 It promises to be a lot of fun. I hope you can join us.